Some frequently asked question which you might have.

Q1 : Is your company a NPO organisation?

Yes. Kailasa Singapore Limited is setup as a Non Profitable Organisation.

Q2 : What is your organization’s mission?

Kailasa Singapore Limited aims to enrich and share with Singapore community the great sacred applied science of living a healthy, long life and giving back to community (seva)

Q3 : Where does the money go when I donate to your organization?

The money will be use for the objectives and purposes of the organisation to serve and enrich the communities in various activities.

Q4 : Who runs the organization?

The members of the organisation run the organization.

Q5 : How can I partner with your non profitable organization?

If you are interested to partner with us please contact us to discuss further.

Q6 :How can I get involved in the organization’s mission?

You can contribute by donation, becoming a volunteer in our organisation or provide your professional service to us.

Q7 : How can I make a donation to your organization?

You can donate thru the website by secure online payment or cash or if required contact us for other methods.

Q8 : How can we contact your organisation?

You can contact us online thru the website contact page or by phone call or directly come to our office.

Q9 : Where can I find your organisation?

You can looking into the contact page of the website and it shows the address of our organisation.

Q10 : Can I donate if I live outside of the Singapore?

Yes, you can donate anywhere in the world.

Kailasa Information


Nithyanandapedia is an effort to capture all the Hindu knowledge and expressions shared by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) – to have a one-stop shop combining all His teachings in form of videos, audio, text, books, etc – along with photographs that try and capture all the services He has offered and continues to offer to the world.

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KAILASA is a Macrocosmic, Ancient, Enlightened, Hindu Civilizational Nation which does not put importance on territory alone. KAILASA is revived by the present living incarnation of Paramashiva, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam.

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Hinduismpedia display, The different dimensions, contribution of Hinduism like Non violence, abundance of wealth creation, Satvik food, environmental protection, sustainable economic models, eternal morals to view the world as vasudeva kudumbakam, postive vibe creating arts with moral values, unimaginable intelligencia producing Education system and it’s contribution towards the filed of science, maths etc.

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