

For the first time, the ultimate authority on Yoga is being presented with scriptural evidences of Yoga, the Shaastra Pramanas - from the Veda-Agamas; with the Apta Pramanas, the enlightened experiences of the Enlightened Yogis, Rishis, Yogis, incarnations, and Atma Pramana, Paramahamsa Nithyananda's own experience of the truth, and Sakshi Pramanas, the experiences of the initiated disciples of Paramahamsa Nithyananda

One of the first in series of the vast revelations in the Yoga Pada, the Yoga sections of the Agamas, this book serves to the true Yoga practitioner, or anyone who bends the body for Yoga - as the true undiluted source book to explore and experience the true Yoga with its infinite dimensions from the founder of Yoga, Lord Sadashiva, as revived by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.


KAILASA is an apolitical Nation whose vision is enlightened living on all humanity. Towards this goal, it is dedicated to the preservation, restoration and revival of an enlightened culture and civilization based on authentic Hinduism that was once practiced freely in over 56 nations across the continent from Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Burma, Sri Lanka, all the way to Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia and Indonesia, but is now facing extinction due to persecution over a millennium. As a nation, KAILASA is peaceful, sovereign, service-oriented and represents an ideology, rather than a territory. It is rooted in the fundamental principle of Advaita or Oneness – the idea that all beings can live in peace and harmony, and that all human beings are equal and divine, and can reach their highest potential irrespective of their color, nationality, religion, gender or race.

KAILASA’s mission is to share with today’s world the practical applications of the science of enlightenment. Although through which we have made breakthroughs in 3 areas: (1) Education (2) Health (3) Development of Human Potential, which can directly benefit your country. The global followers of this science live in over 100 countries and form one of the most successful communities in the world because they practice these teachings. These followers have created KAILASA to bring that successful life and lifestyle to the world as a service. In this approach to diplomacy based service, KAILASA is similar to the Sovereign Order of Malta, a sovereign hospitalier-service nation which has diplomatic relations with 110 countries.

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Giving back to local community - Service like annadhaan - offering of free food that is first offered to the divine and then shared with the hungry. Monthly contribution to certain homes or Food Bank Singapore

Energy Healing

At Kailasa Singapore, we conduct energy healing workshops and talks to enrich the communities. Healing energies that heal the body at the physical layers, the mind at the mental layers, the etheric at the emotional layers and also healing at the conscious level. Our healers are initiated to provide deep layers of healing to the needy regularly.

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Kailasa Information


Nithyanandapedia is an effort to capture all the Hindu knowledge and expressions shared by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) – to have a one-stop shop combining all His teachings in form of videos, audio, text, books, etc – along with photographs that try and capture all the services He has offered and continues to offer to the world.

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KAILASA is a Macrocosmic, Ancient, Enlightened, Hindu Civilizational Nation which does not put importance on territory alone. KAILASA is revived by the present living incarnation of Paramashiva, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam.

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Hinduismpedia display, The different dimensions, contribution of Hinduism like Non violence, abundance of wealth creation, Satvik food, environmental protection, sustainable economic models, eternal morals to view the world as vasudeva kudumbakam, postive vibe creating arts with moral values, unimaginable intelligencia producing Education system and it’s contribution towards the filed of science, maths etc.

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